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Skills and Triumphs

Being a PA Student

Since June 2022 I have started my next journey for my Master's of PA studies at the University of Florida. This has been quite an experience so far, especially as I close out my rotations! Not only have I been able to meet 59 amazing classmates, I am learning all about medicine in each specialty, how to perform proper physical exams and having lab time where we practice lumbar punctures, phlebotomy, dermatology procedures and so much more. I have since taken all I have learned into my rotations around Florida and am learning even more with each one. I have sutured countless times, assisted in cardiac surgery, performed colposcopies, given joint injections and have been able to learn so many new skills. This is truly a great program and I am so excited I get to be a part of the 50th class. 

Being a Medical Scribe

For a year and a half I worked at a level one trauma center, Shands Hospital, in Gainesville. I wrote all the patient charts for the doctors, PAs, and NPs so they could see more patients in a quicker timespan. I learned essential information to patient care as well as what it is like to work on the frontlines of a pandemic! I made new friends, had a friendsgiving and used my videography to work a PA's wedding! I would not trade this experience for anything. I learned not only the job of a PA, but also of nurses, techs, attendings, residents, and all the vital jobs to make a hosptial run. This experience will make me a better PA, and I am thankful for it. 

Manual Labor Skills

I have helped in many situations, and learned all my father has taught me about fixing things. I love to know how things work. I have put up a cypress wood ceiling, tiled several showers, painted interior and exterior, restored a 1981 boat, fixed a jet ski, taken apart and put back together a Mercury 55 horsepower marine outboard engine, and many other miscellaneous tasks around the house to help my family maintain and renovate the house. If there is a problem, I learn how to fix it. I also absorb information on how things work very easily. I am proud of the work I can do, and I love to see the surprise on men's faces when I fix anything.

Volunteering at a Shelter

I also volunteer at a shelter in Gainesville, Florida. Through volunteering, I have seen many unfortunate situations for the animals and have chosen to donate my time to these animals as much as I can. I currently am looking to foster an animal from the shelter, and I always mention donating to the shelter when people ask about the establishment. There have been multiple times, due to underfunding, where the water pump broke, the washer and dryer have problems, the drains get backed up, etc. I am thankful I am able to help, I have fixed the dryers once or twice and cleared out the drains. Dedicating my time and efforts to the shelter is exceptionally rewarding.

Director of a Group Film

Before entering college, I was the director of a film consisting of seven students and won Best Director upon the debut of the film. Leading creative students in a project was not without troubles. There were crew member quarrels and disagreements, there were filming delays and ideas that did not play out. During post production, the same issues arose as everyone wanted to edit the film in different ways. As the member with the most creative license, it was my job to decide the final outcome. In order to reduce the tensions, I was able to take in everyone’s ideas and compromise, combine, or agree with the different visions for the film. I also made sure everyone got a task so no one felt undervalued during filming. The Director of Photography and I worked very closely to make sure everyone was a satisfied and had a part in the film as well as making sure the overall theme and plot of the film was completed. The film ended beautifully and there were plenty of laughs and bloopers.

Equestrian Life

I have been riding horses for as long as I can remember. Although I stopped riding until I was 10 years old, my family across the country has always had horses, and each member has taught me a different aspect to riding. Because of riding horses, I am more patient, understanding, and resilient. Riding is never easy, controlling a 1600 pound animal with its own mind can be challenging, hence riding is also about developing a bond with your horse so rides go smoother. Taking care of a horse is a lot of work, so over the years I have learned what responsibility is and how much I can handle. Riding horses brings me great happiness and I hate when I have to go without it for awhile, but I know, I will always return to it - because being an equestrian defines part of who I am.

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